MBABANE – As odd as a cow on snow, the appearance of an owl at the High Court yesterday set tongues wagging.
The owl, silver grey and dark in colour, was spotted by some High Court staff at the entrance of the court building between 10:30am and 11am. Some were afraid to come near it and the brave ones tried to remove it from near the entrance.
Before long, a group of people had gathered around it and notably, most of them were afraid to come anywhere near the owl.
They did not want to even touch it in fear that it will bring them bad luck.
Culturally, owls are associated with witchcraft, and its presence in the court premises led others to ask which cases were ongoing inside courtrooms. Some insinuated that the bird had been sent to influence an ongoing case in favour of whosoever had been accused of a crime. Many other people made different insinuations about the owl, some of which cannot be repeated.
There were those who simply dismissed it as a mere bird which was just flying by. Owls are nocturnal by nature and its presence in broad day- light resulted in a number of questions asked, such as what the bird was doing in court when it should have been somewhere sleeping.
They said there was something out of the ordinary about the presence of the owl in the court premises. One of the onlookers said the bird was seemingly trying to enter the court building since it was found way up the stairs next to the entrance.
After it was removed next to the entrance, it landed midway by the stairs where it remained for the entire day. Even after High Court staff had knocked off at 4:45pm, the owl was still on the steps and it had not moved an inch since morning.
It was believed to be injured because it did not attempt to fly even when passers-by went up and down the steps.
According to–spirit-animals, not all owls hunt and eat during the night and if one sees or hears an owl during the day, it means that it is a diurnal owl which sleeps at night and it is awake during the day. There are two kinds of such owls; the burrowing owl and the short-eared owl.
Chairman of the Witchdoctors Association Makhanya Makhanya, dismissed claims that the owl was just flying by like any other bird. He said something was happening since there were ongoing cases.
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