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MATSAPHA - “Failure is not an acceptable report.” These are the direct words of His Majesty King Mswati III to the 336 HMCS recruits who were pass-outing yesterday. 

“Note and know that failure is not an option here as you are always expected to carry out your duties effectively and efficiently. We are always looking for a report that says; ‘Mission accomplished.”’

The King made the remarks after warning the recruits to respect the badge as per the oath that they would carry it 24 hours a day. He told them it does not matter whether they were carrying the badge on their head or not but they had to respect it all the time as it was honourable.

“So, each one of you is expected to serve with honesty and integrity.”
The King said he was impressed by the physical appearance of the recruits as they were fit and slim, adding that these were the kind of body structures he desired to see as they continue to carry out their duties.

Their physical appearance, according to the King, showed that their instructors grilled them accordingly and he urged them to utilise the skills they obtained during their training and most importantly maintain their physical appearance.
“We trust you will remain in good shape throughout your working life.”

His Majesty applauded the service for putting up a sound wellness programme, noting that in order to ensure the fitness and good health of the officers, the importance of active and positive living could not be over-emphasised.
He encouraged not only the officers but everyone to participate in initiatives that promote good health and an active lifestyle in order to ensure a productive workforce that effectively delivers public services.

Again, His Majesty could not hide his joy after he saw the exuberant drill displayed by the recruits as he said he was happy with them and their instructors. He said this was because it showed that the instructors paid attention to every detail and the recruits took the instructions as they were.

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