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MBABANE – Battle lines have been drawn between Big Game Parks Trust and the director of Veterinary and Livestock Services.

Big Game Parks Trust has since taken government to court after the Director of Veterinary and Livestock Services, Dr Xolani Dlamini, stamped his authority over the importation of 95 wild animals from South Africa.

For the importation of these animals, Dlamini attached a condition that: “upon arrival, the animals shall be adequately kept isolated at the game reserve for a minimum period of 30 days, during which any abnormalities and/or sign of disease shall be reported immediately to the State, Veterinary Officer in the Region, contended the applicants.

Due to this condition, Big Game Parks alleged that besides suffering from a financial perspective, its reputation in the wildlife industry was also suffering, as it committed itself to various wildlife animal sellers in May 2018, but to date could not honour its commitment by taking possession of the animals, much to their (sellers’) annoyance.

“This is harm which will not be easily repaired, but can be lessened if condition seven in the import permits can be quickly removed so that the Big Game Trust can take possession of the animals as soon as possible.
The wild animals which Big Game Parks has purchased and wants to import, are 70 Tsessebe and 25 Sable Antelopes. 


The antelopes were purchased at Dee Beers Inglewood Dronfield Nature Reserve in the Northern Cape, Touchstone Game Ranch in Limpopo and Bona Bona in the North West at the value E521 000.
Applicants in the matter are Terrence Evezard Reilly, Elizabeth Reilly, James Reilly and Petros Ngomane.

Respondents are the director of Veterinary and Livestock Services, principal secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Minister of Agriculture and the attorney general. the applicants want the court to review and set aside Dr Xolani’s decision.

They are also praying for an order interdicting and restraining the respondents from, imposing or purporting to impose any condition that had the effect of restricting, inhibiting or prohibiting the importation of the wild animals forming the subject of the veterinary import permits. 
The applicants are also seeking an order interdicting the respondents from interfering in any way with the import of the wild animals.


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