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PIGG’S PEAK – Exposed breasts and an exposed belly are some of the things police officers had to put up with when controlling the crowd at a police station in Pigg’s Peak.

Before the nomination, one of the women, dressed in traditional regalia, was seen lifting her kanga in what appeared like a strange dance, exposing her belly. This puzzled some of the officials who wondered among themselves, what the woman was doing. Another woman was also spotted flashing her breasts in excitement as she sang until the Station Commander, Sabelo Methula, quickly intervened and stopped the two women. They however continued dancing but this time, without the ‘strange moves’. This was however just the beginning of a tough time for police officers as the crowd went wild when a supporter, Khanyisile Motsa, announced that she would nominate Hlobisile Ndlovu.

As soon as she said, ‘Hlobsilie Ndlovu’, the large crowd rushed to mob Ndlovu but luckily, police officers appeared to be ahead of the crowd. The police officers had already formed a ring around her fearing that the public would rush to mob her or try to lift her up. Prior to the nomination, the crowd broke into song in which they referred to Ndlovu as ‘intfombi lemhlophe’ meaning a ‘light skinned woman’. They were singing her praises while Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) officials were getting ready to allow the crowd to nominate.
At this time, Minister Jabulani ‘Bu Cash’ Mabuza had also been nominated and was already inside a hall set up for verification. About 15 police officers were around and ensured that they blocked the crowd from getting closer but the excited voters continued to push until some of them by-passed the tight police security. Some of the police officers were in plain clothes and they also joined in preventing the crowd from pushing further. Eventually, the former MP, who is also a former minister, was officially nominated and several others seconded the nomination.

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