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The act by some voters who went out of their way to risk arrest for violating election laws by sneaking in smartphones into the ballot booth to sell their votes, is disgusting, to say the least.

Prostituting oneself to pimping aspiring politicians is akin to throwing this country to the dogs.
How do such voters expect to hold their masters to account for all the hard- earned tax when it goes towards purchasing luxury cars instead of feeding the thousands of poverty- stricken emaSwati?

What do we say to our children when they grow up to find a failed State and they ask what we did to try and save this country? Can we honestly tell them that we sold our souls for a lousy E50 or for a crate of alcohol?

We have a country that is economically crawling on its knees and literally begging for good upright citizens with whom we can entrust with our lives to serve our best interests. We have plenty of such citizens in our midst if we could only sober up and invest in our future with independent votes that are informed by common sense and a genuine love for our country. 

Equally disappointing is the lackadaisical attitude of the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) in dealing with election transgressions. The commission had made all the right noises which were decorated with promises of swift and stern action, but not a single individual has seen the door to a prison cell. It’s a joke! What else is leaking in this election?

These developments have seriously dented the credibility of the election process. If it does no scare any voter that we are about to have a Parliament of drug dealers and thieves whose only interests would be on how deep they scrape into the treasury barrel for the little that’s left of our economy in order to recover their bribes and enrich themselves.

They say we reap what we sow and there is no doubt that the seeds of corruption are now firmly set in the ground awaiting the rains. Pity Eswatini.

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