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PIGG’S PEAK – Health officials want Bhalekane Nazarene Primary School cleaned up as it is a health hazard.
Bhalekane Nazarene Primary School is situated in Madlangempisi.

The school was declared a health hazard such that some of the teachers’ classes are now vacant as they are considered unfit for human habitation.
Speaking during the school’s triple celebration on Thursday, the Head teacher Nhlanhla Shongwe said the school did not have enough water.
He said the school has until up to the end of the year to be health compliant.

During the triple celebration, the school bid farewell to three teachers, Standard V pupils and then held a Speech and Prize Giving Day.
Under normal circumstance, the school is required to use 10 000 litres of water but due to the shortage, they only have access to 5 000 litres.


To worsen the situation, Shongwe said the school shares the 5 000 litres of water with the Bhalekane Nazarene Mission and the Clinic.
Shongwe said this had exposed the school to a health hazard such that officials now want the school to clean up before end of the year.

He said fortunately for the school,  they were offered access to water by Bhalekane Correctional facility but they have to build their own infrastructure to connect them to the water system at the facility.

Shongwe said this would cost the school about E150 000 to set up but that there was no way they could raise that money.
He said most of the school’s funds are obtained through Free Primary Education (FPE) financing adding that this would not be enough to embark on the water project.

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