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SITEKI – A drinking spree ended in tragedy when two siblings beat their friend to death following a minor argument.
This happened at KaShoba area under Mpolonjeni Inkhundla, not very far from Siteki town.

The three friends had reportedly been enjoying drinks together when a brawl suddenly broke out, reportedly sparked by a petty issue.
The two siblings beat their friend to a pulp and left him for dead near a bushy area.

His body was discovered by community members the following day, sources close to police investigators said.


The deceased has since been identified by the police as John Sithole but his age was not immediately ascertained. It was only gathered that Sithole was employed as a herdboy in one of the farms around Ngcina area.
Meanwhile, the suspects were rounded up by Siteki police over the weekend.

Subsequently, Sibusiso Fontotje Nxumalo (26) and Phila Nkunzi Nxumalo (30) were charged with the murder of Sithole.
“The accused persons, either one or both of them, together in furtherence of a common purporse, did unlawfully and intentionaly cause the death of John Sithole by assaulting him,” read in part court papers.

Phila made a confession statement before a judicial officer, who was sitting at the Simunye Magistrates Court.
He reportedly confessed that they were together with Sithole night he died and he is said to have further narrated to the judicial officer the events leading up to the beating and subsequent death of Sithole.

Phila reportedly told the judicial officer that they were enjoying drinks with Sithole when he suddenly left the drinking spot, destined to his girlfriend’s place.
He reportedly told the judicial officer that after a while, somebody pelted stones at the house they were sitting in with his brother (co-accused).
He is said to have told the judicial officer that the stones hit him on the face, hurting one of his eyes.

In retaliation, Phila reportedly told the judicial officer that they went out of the house with his brother, searching for the person who had pelted stones at them.
As they went out of the house, he reportedly confessed that they spotted a man jumping over a fence and they suspected that he could be the culprit who had stoned them.

As such, he said they chased after the man and when they caught up with him, they assaulted him severely. He is said to have told the judicial officer that after assaulting the man, they left but later realised that they had assaulted their friend.
He said to have further told the judicial officer that they tried to get their friend a place to sleep at a certain homestead but the owner of the homestead declined their request.

Surprisingly, Phila mentioned that they left the friend at the scene and went to bed.
In the morning, he said he was shocked to learn that his friend had died.


He is said to have told the judicial officer that he learnt of his friend’s death through a group of people who had gathered at the spot where the body was found.
Phila reportedly mentioned, in his confession statement, that they were also working as herdboys with his brother (co-accused).

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