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MBABANE – It’s a sorry sight at the Mbabane Government Hospital where four of the victims who were doused with petrol and set alight at a bar are currently admitted.

They can hardly talk and are visibly in so much pain with the burn wounds being so fresh. A total of six patrons of Don Killuminati Bar, popularly known as Killis, located near Ngwenya Border Gate, were doused with petrol and later set alight by one of the joint’s disc jockey (DJ) who later handed himself over to the police. Four of the victims are currently admitted to the Mbabane Government Hospital while two were treated and discharged. One of the burnt victims is a truck driver.

During a visit to the hospital yesterday, it was gathered that the driver fell from his bed on Monday night. Some of his relatives were found outside the ward, waiting to see him as the doctor was still assessing him together with other patients. A woman, who has a relative in the same ward where the truck driver has been admitted, stated how they were shocked when they heard the sound of the falling man at night. “Since he arrived, his stomach seems to be bulging and the woman who looks after him stated that he could not go to the toilet,” the woman stated. Another victim is a soldier. He had gone to the bar to enjoy a game of pool on the day of the incident.


When speaking to some of the relatives of the victims, they decried the fact that they were taken out of the ward at around 10am and were let in at around 3pm. At around lunch-time, a man came to the ward and asked to see the truck driver, but he was informed it was not yet time to visit patients. The man was then heard stating that he had been sent by his employers to get the truck keys so he could drive it back to work. A message was then passed on to the truck driver through a nurse who allowed him inside. The truck driver then informed the man that the keys were with the police, as well as all the property he had on him after the incident. At around 3pm, the relatives were allowed inside the ward and when the nurses realised that there was a journalist, they asked everyone inside the ward to leave and wait outside.

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