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MBABANE – “We can assist a driver to retrieve his goods during an accident but not alcohol.”

This was a sentiment that was shared by residents of Nkwalini who attempted but in vain to loot alcohol after a truck overturned with beer cases in the area. The accident happened yesterday afternoon. Information gathered was that some of the residents, who were around the shop when the driver lost control of the truck, tried to loot but they failed because the container of the vehicle which had the alcohol was properly sealed. The truck overturned within the premises of the shop where it is suspected it had gone to deliver to. There was also relief to the truck driver and the company employees after armed police officers responded swiftly after they were called.

When this publication arrived at the scene, the armed police officers were found reasoning with the people who wanted to help themselves to the alcohol not to dare touch it. Some residents came with sacks and big plastic bags with the hope that they would get the alcohol. They tried many times to loot but the vigilant police managed to call them to order. The residents watched until the truck was pulled back to its normal position.

“It’s almost Christmas, so we cannot miss this opportunity because alcohol is expensive. The police officers have spoiled the fun. We cannot hide the fact that we are here to loot. We would have done that had it not been for the vigilance of the police officers and the sealed container,” said some women found at the scene. They said they were not interested in the other items such as mahewu that were being ferried by the truck. The truck driver survived without injuries during the accident.

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