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MBABANE – Some civil servants are crying foul over the non-payment of their stipend of E150 for attending a meeting in December 2018.
Approximately over 2 000 civil servants attended the meeting as members  of Bunye Betfu Buhle Betfu Savings and Credit.


A concern that was raised by some attendees of the meeting was that they were now ordered to write letters to the Board to justify why they should be given the money.

“We have been getting this money religiously each time after attending the meetings and we are used to  being paid out instantly at the end of the meeting.
‘‘However, on this day, it was not paid out at the meeting place and we assumed this was because there was commotion resulting from the day’s discussions,” said an aggrieved member.


The member explained that at the end of the meeting on this day they were told to produce evidence that they had registered before the start of the meeting, which they did, apparently in the form of some coupons that came in different colours.

She said the officials who were responsible for registration and payments also took down all the members’ cellphone numbers and banking details, saying the money would be paid out at a later stage through Mobile Money and via the bank.


“When we realised that the money was not coming through after some time, we went to inquire at the Bunye Betfu offices where we were told to justify in writing.

‘‘This came as a surprise to us because we had never been told to do it before.”
The members preferred to speak on condition of anonymity as they were still hoping to get the payments.

Another member said when she asked for her money she was told that she had not arrived at the meeting on time.
“I was shocked because I was there during the registration process and also when the meeting started. I can even tell you the exact words that were used in the opening prayer.”

The bitter members said they were very concerned about this because they fully subscribed to the cooperative hence they failed to understand the reason for the non-payment of the money.

The Manager of Bunye Betfu, Mpumelelo Ginindza, said he was not in a position to discuss the matter.
The Secretary, Eric Seyama, said there were terms and conditions regarding the eligibility for members to benefit from the E150 payout.


“The money is intended for transport costs reimbursement. But some members attend the meeting and leave before it ends, so such people are among those we usually request to justify in writing.”
Seyama said the writing of letters to the Board was considered as an appeal.

“Those who arrived on time and left after the meeting got their payment.
‘‘However, the Board also looks into the reasons cited in the letters and may take a decision on that,” he said.
He could not state whether the cooperative had evidence that the aggrieved members had either arrived late for the meeting or had left prematurely.

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