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MBABANE - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation spent over E142 million more than the budgeted amount for travel and communication for missions abroad.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International cooperation Annual Report 2018/2019, the annual budget for travel and communication for the missions abroad was E6 378 669, while the total spent was E148 461 660. This shows a difference of E142 082 991. The released budget for the item was E125 806 426, and the reallocation was E123 148 647.
The report states that the budget overrun under this item was due to insufficient funds allocated to cater for costs of telephone bills, air fares when attending meetings, during home leave, presentation of credentials and freight costs for diplomatic bags.

“Funds reallocated to this item were initially directed to international relations activities,” the report states. The report listed as one of its challenges the inadequate budget allocation for missions abroad, especially on transport/ communication. Professional services, consumables and durables. The ministry stated that this was also negatively affected by the fluctuating exchange rate of the local currency to major foreign currencies. The report further stated that after the budget from international reallocations was exhausted, other reallocations were made from professional services and rentals from mission abroad. The ministry saved over E30 million on personnel costs.

However, the report stated that this item would be utilised before the end of the financial year to pay for foreign services allowances, salaries for local staff and educational allowances, as the payment of school fees differed per mission. “It is worth noting that the budget for personnel costs was under-allocated by E55 million. The Ministry of Finance addressed the shortfall by transferring funds from Head 60 through a JV, hence the actual figure for the released budget is more,” the report stated. Head 60, according to the budget estimates, are internal transfers. The released budget was E110 038 969.

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