MBABANE - It would seem the Ministry of Natural Resources and energy promotes hospitality as it spent over E320 000 on it under questionable circumstances.
The Auditor General, in his Annual Report for 2018, observed anomalies on hospitality payments, which he further reported to the Controlling Officer.
These included insufficiently supported expenditure transactions amounting to E324, 525.88.
“These were in respect of hospitality payments relating to workshops funded through the Water Relief Fund. The dates, quantities, and amounts on the various supporting documents were not matching which was a clear indication that standard procurement procedures were not followed,” the AG said.
The AG educated on the normal process followed when procuring hospitality services which chronologically entailed submission of an internal requisition, requesting and evaluating quotations, selection of supplier, requesting for approval to use funds, placing of an order, delivery of services, receiving of invoice, reconciling the requisition, quotation, order, delivery note and invoice and making payment was often distorted.
“I also brought to the attention of the Controlling Officer that, the signature appearing in the minutes approving the undertaking of workshops and incurring of hospitality expenditure, in some instances, did not match the Controlling Officer’s signature and delegated signatories as per the specimen signatures provided by the Ministry. Moreover, some invoices were paid before the workshops were held which was in contravention of government rules and regulations.”
He observed that reports, minutes of meetings, and attendance lists of the workshops held were in various instances not availed for inspection.
“This was a violation of Section 0203(xi) of the Financial and Accounting Instruction, where Accountable Officers are instructed to always avail all information required for audit purposes. As a result, I was not able to confirm the authenticity of those payments, and whether they were received by deserving beneficiaries.”
The institutions where some of the questionable meetings took place include the Happy Valley Hotel for hosting Water and Sanitation Workshop; the Pigg’s Peak Hotel and Casino for hosting Water and Sanitation Monitoring and Evaluation Task Team Workshop; the Thokoza Church Centre for hosting the Joint Sector Review Meeting; Esibayeni Lodge for hosting a meeting of members of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Portfolio Committee; LA Casserole Restaurant for convening WASH Stakeholder Meeting; Test of Taste Take Away for providing breakfast and lunch for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Committee; Fedics for breakfast & lunch for the minister’s delegation during tour of WASH projects; and Happy Valley Hotel for hosting Joint Venture Water Sector Review Conference.
The AG expressed concern at the Controlling Officer’s responses, which he said brought more confusion than clarity.
“As it stands, I cannot rule out that some of the payments were fictitious, or overpaid, for undelivered services, in respect of meetings and workshops that did not occur, and on behalf of undeserving beneficiaries.”
He said he was worried by the constant attribution of anomalies to errors.
“This may paint a picture of a culture of uneconomical spending, non-compliance with laws, regulations and procedures, corrupt relationships and collusion between suppliers and officials, and of paying for unauthorised expenditure, in respect of activities that were not approved.”
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