MBABANE – Tomorrow will determine the way forward for public sector associations (PSAs) in their fight for the cost-of-living adjustment (CoLA).
This follows that government had taken to the Industrial Court the PSAs, seeking an order rendering their strike that was scheduled for January 28, 2019, illegal.
The verdict on the matter shall be delivered tomorrow.
To this, Secretary General of the Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT) Sikelela Dlamini, said the court ruling on the matter shall give the PSAs a way forward on how to intensify the manner in which they were coercing government to heed to their demand.
PSAs are the National Public Service and Allied Workers Union (NAPSAWU), Swaziland National Teachers Association (SNAT), Swaziland National Association of Government Accounting Personnel (SNAGAP) and the Swaziland Nurses Association (SNA).
The PSAs wanted to engage in an industrial action following their impasse with their employer (government). They were seeking an adjustment to their salaries of at least 7.85 per cent.
However, government cited financial constraints and extended a zero per cent offer.
This led to the parties agreeing to sign a deadlock – which meant that they were not reaching a common ground.
Following this act, they went to the Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration Council (CMAC), where they were awarded a right to partake in an industrial action.
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