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MBABANE - A teacher of Elangeni High School has been suspended following allegations of being involved in an intimate relationship with a pupil.

The teacher, Sikelela Ndlangamandla faces 34 counts of misconduct, including allegedly helping the same pupil to copy a Mathematics examination, thereby contravening the Guide to School Regulations.

The charges are contained in a letter written by Schools Manager and Under Secretary in the Ministry of Education and Training, Macanjana Motsa.
Ndlangamandla is the second teacher from the same school to be suspended after allegedly being involved in an intimate relationship with a learner.
The first teacher, Mbongeni Simelane, was arrested for allegedly raping one of the pupils at the school.

The pupil, who later went missing, was allegedly found at Simelane’s house.
In the first charge against Ndlangamandla, he is alleged to have contravened the Guide to School Regulations and Procedures of 1978, in that on February 6, 2019, during the investigations conducted by the Ministry of Education and Training’s Knowledge Ngwenya, he failed to do his professional duties as his daily preparation book was not up to standard in that it was last updated in March 2018.

Preparation book

The charge sheet of Ndlangamandla’s alleged misconduct stated that the preparation book which was not up to standard, meant that he did not prepare for lessons under the listed months of April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November 2018.
These are allegations whose veracity is yet to be tested as Ndlangamandla was yet to answer on his charges.

In the second complaint, Motsa alleged that the teacher intentionally contravened Regulations 15.1 (a), (c), (d), (f) and (J) of the Teaching Service Regulations of 1983 as read with Regulation 17 of the Teachers Service Regulations of 1983.
This, according to the letter, is in relation to that he allegedly abused his professional standing and organised one pupil, *Cebi, accompanied by another, *Ncobile, into his rented house at Satellite around Ezulwini.

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