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LOBAMBA – Finance Minister Neal Rijkenberg yesterday jumped past the first hurdle of his 2019/2020 budget as it was passed without any amendments. 

The next step is for the minister to try and convince the Members of Parliament (MPs) to pass the Bills that would see the implementation of the proposed tax and fuel levy hike. 

These include the adoption of the Finance Bill, the amendment of the Eswatini Revenue Act to allow for the 33 to 36 per cent PAYE increase and others like the Alcohol and Tobacco Levy Bill.

The minister was a happy camper yesterday as MPs approved all the allocations of the E21.83 billion budget without placing any of the allocations on Head 60.
Before the adoption of the Appropriation Act, the MPs first debated and adopted the portfolio committee reports which had been tabled on Wednesday. The first report to be adopted was for the Prime Minister’s Office, which was moved by Mpolonjeni MP Jacob Siwela. 

However, during mid-debate the Chair of Chairs Hosea MP Mduduzi Mabuza suggested that the reports which the MPs did not have any questions on should be passed and that those who wanted to debate some of them must indicate. 

The MPs indicated that they needed clarifications on the Ministries of Tourism and Environmental Affairs,  Public Works and Transport,  Tinkhundla Administration and Development,  Education and Training and Sports, Culture and Youth Affairs. 


Lobamba Lomdzala MP Marwick Khumalo highlighted that the Ministry of Tourism report did not have any findings and recommendations or how much money had been allocated for the ministry.  

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