MBABANE – A hot seat! The swinging chair, which previously sat Eswatini National Housing Board (ENHB) Mduduzi Dlamini at the plush Dlanubeka Building (third floor) was a hit at the furniture auction conducted by Swazi Auctioneers yesterday.
The full grain black leather executive chair eventually went under the hammer for E7 200 as nine bidders, who had shown interest when the reserve price of E2 000 was read out fell off one after the other. The bids were increasing by E100 until it reached its final price.
As if the tough contest was not enough, the auctioneer, Sakhile Ndzimandze, had to restart the bidding process for the chair all over again after there had been a minor misunderstanding as to who made the highest bid between two middle aged gentlemen.
However, when the bidding resumed, Ndzimandze did not restart bidding from the initial reserve price of E2 000 since it had become crystal clear that the final price would be far more than that judging from the number of interested bidders.
It should be mentioned that by then, only three bidders were still eager to outbid one another to own the chair which was used by one of the leading parastatals in the Kingdom of Eswatini.
When the soft spoken gentleman in a chequered shirt was asked what had prompted the determination to own the executive chair, he politely declined to neither be interviewed nor be named.
It should, however, be mentioned that some of the bidders cheered him on saying he had made a wise decision to buy the chair for E7 200 when taking into consideration its good condition and soft leather touch.
One of the bidders who was part of the over 100 people who attended the public auction claimed that the chair’s market value goes up to E20 000. It could, however, not be established as to what the market value of the chair was by the time of compiling this report.
As the auction proceeded, it seemed more people were keen to lay their hands on the humble CEO’s furniture as his antique executive office desk was also auctioned for E3 000 from a reserve price of E2 000.
Dlamini’s wall mounted filing cabinet was auctioned for E4 200 as bids were once again raised by E1 000 which had also been the reserve price.
The cabinet was bought by Peter Maseko, who mentioned that he was determined to purchase cabinet because it is durable and of high quality.
“I wanted to buy something genuine that will change my office outlook,” Maseko explained.
Other pricey items at the auction was the mahogany executive meeting table with four black leather chairs that was sold for E11 000 and mahogany executive desk with a classy swinging chair which amassed bids to the value of E11 400. The good as new mahogany furniture was stationed at the office bearing a sign ‘director of institutional housing’.
A panel range four-way cluster workstation with four high back chairs also proved to be one the crowd’s favourites as it was auctioned for E9 000 from a reserve price of E5 000.
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