LOBAMBA- “Member of Parliament Robert Magongo is harassing us.” This was a statement uttered by Lubulini MP Timothy Myeni during the debate of the ministerial statement on the three government bills which was held in the House of Assembly yesterday.
Myeni was reacting to Motshane MP Robert Magongo’s submission that he (Myeni) should avoid absenting himself during the portfolio meetings in Parliament. The submission turned into a heated argument as both MPs ended up exchanging words.
Before the argument escalated into a confrontation, Myeni had made a submission to Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) Themba Masuku regarding the elderly grants. The MP had enquired how the elderly who received their grants from banks would go about confirming their proof of existence.
Before he could conclude posing questions to the DPM, Myeni’s submission was cut short by Magongo, who quickly corrected his counterpart for posing a question which had been addressed previously by the MPs and was answered by the DPM.
The DPM had previously relayed that his office would work closely with banks to get details of the elderly and proof that they were alive.
“Lokulova kuyahlupha. Ningabolova ngoba siyabambeleleka,” MP Magongo blurted out.
Loosely translated, “Do not absent yourselves as this tends to be burdensome and it delays our meetings.”
Magongo’s remarks were met with rapturous of laughter from the MPs in the House.
Meanwhile, the DPM seemed to want to intervene as the exchange appeared to be getting heated. He rose as a sign to seek permission from the Speaker to give him a platform to speak.
Instantly, Myeni lashed out and mentioned that MP Magongo was pestering them and requested the MPs to advise him against the harsh treatment he was being subjected to. He stated that it was unfortunate that Magongo was troublesome yet some of the MPs were quiet about the shenanigans they knew about him.
On the other hand, Magongo abruptly stood and ordered Myeni to reveal the secrets he claimed to know in the presence of the MPs.
However, Speaker Petros Mavimbela mediated and advised the MPs to stop exchanging such heated words. Mavimbela reiterated that the MPs should respect the House as it was an important place to make policies for the nation. The Speaker put to light that Myeni had reported previously that he would not be present during the previous sitting. Mavimbela added that for that reason, it was not necessary to put him in the spotlight for his absenteeism. He said it was unnecessary for the DPM to then make a submission because he had set the record straight previously.
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