The second term of the schools calendar has opened with numerous protests, some of which have escalated to vandalism of what’s left of our dilapidating centres of learning. This is exactly what our already fragile education sector does not need.
What is of big concern with some of these protests is the pawning of pupils to push agendas they know nothing about. In the forefront, are parents who are motivating militant action which should not be condoned.
This country cannot afford to have a future of toyi-toying citizens who were groomed by their parents and teachers to resolve issues by burning schools - not to mention the cost of maintaining law and order by having schools patrolled by security forces.
The last time this happened, the taxpayer lost over E40 million that could have been better spent to provide the infrastructure and services that are lacking in these schools and raising the ire of citizens. Head teachers are, on most occasions, left to bear the brunt of this fury, with little or no protection from their employer.
Parents are well within their rights to raise concerns about anomalies taking place in the learning institutions to ensure their children’s right to education is not infringed upon. However, they ought to exhaust all existing processes in raising their grievances with minimal effect on learning.
Where the ministry is seen to be dragging its feet, the parents ought to gather at the door of Minister Lady Mabuza’s office because that is where they can best get answers to their grievances.
Truth be told, it is the lackadaisical attitude that characterises service delivery that is largely to blame for the systematic deterioration of the quality of education in this country.
The only way the minister can avoid a daily crowd of visitors to her office is by being proactive and ensuring that all the grievance structures are able to provide for speedy resolution of issues.
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