The much awaited Eswatini Strategic Road Map 2019 - 2023 was finally launched by Prime Minister Ambrose Dlamini on Monday, which provides us with a clearer picture of how the new government intends to embark on the required economic transformation.
Some bold and ambitious targets have been put forward, which will need strong political will and determination to ensure that they do not suffer the fate of previous strategies that had equally vital areas of delivery but fell short of implementation.
The PM has put his head on the block and assured on execution. To do so, he has realised he need to address the governance issue that would allow government to do what it ought to focus on – governing.
He has challenged his team to deliver on good governance and promised to promote the independence of the three arms of government so that they can function more effectively while setting a target of scoring above the African average on the Mo Ibrahim Index on governance. This is critical because our government deserves to be managed a lot better in order to maximise on the abundance of highly qualified human resource, which is more than capable of delivering on many of the set goals if given the opportunity to do so.
The strategy also seeks to create a dynamic private sector by returning the economy to its rightful place – in the hands of business. The private sector development target ticks a very important box in the transformation agenda which should allow government to concentrate on facilitating a conducive investment environment, to not only attract the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) that we need, but to help SMEs grow and thrive in business in a corrupt-free society. Achieving this requires greater attention than what has been put forward in the strategy. Ultimately, if the PM and team are to succeed where others have failed, then execution on corruption remains the biggest test of them all.
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