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ENHLANGANISWENI – Trouble seems to be following Enhlanganisweni High School.

The school was broken into yesterday and the incident happened amidst the parents’ plea to the Ministry of Education and Training for an audit report.
Items worth E22 820, which included crucial documents belonging to the school were taken, four computers, laptops and recording systems, went missing as well.

Information gathered was that the laptops and computers belonged to the head teacher and secretary, while one was kept in the boardroom.
Police officers were at the school for the better part of the day yesterday to establish how the break-in happened.
The school is not new to controversy as recently, parents locked out pupils from entering the school premises in a bid to have an audience with Head teacher Nomthantazo Tembe.

The parents’ main reason for locking the gate was that they were tired of pleading with Tembe for a meeting as she had declined on several occasions to have an audience with them.

In an interview with impeccable sources at the school, they confirmed that it was broken into. According to the sources, a vehicle was seen driving into the school e at 9pm with unknown passengers.


The source said the vehicle went straight to the teachers’ quarters where it was parked. “These unknown passengers were not seen leaving the school premises as the quarters are within the premises of the school,” the sources related.
They said while all other offices were broken into, the head teachers office was found unlocked when the robbers hit.

Chief Police information and Communications Officer Superintendent Phindile Vilakati confirmed the robbery at the school.
Vilakati said computers, laptops, recordings and other accessories were stolen. Ernest Ntshangase, who is a member of the school committee, said they were worried about the events taking place at the school, especially because they were looking forward to an audit.

Ntshangase said if the school equipment, including computers, were stolen, it means crucial files belonging to the school had gone missing.
“These are files which would assist with the position of the school’s accounts,” Ntshangase said.

Meshack Makhubu, who is the ousted school committee chairman, also said the break-in was quite suspicious. Tembe, on the other hand, confirmed the break in at the school.

“I have just arrived at the school and have been informed about the break-in. I am still waiting for the police,” she said.
She also confirmed that her office was not locked.

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Should the administration of scholarships be moved from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security to the Ministry of Education and Training?