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BOYANE - The end of a relationship is suspected to have resulted in a 13-year-old pupil hanging herself.

This is the shocking story of Sihle Ngwenya of Boyane, who ended her life after being allegedly dumped by her boyfriend, according to information sourced from her father, which he said he received from his daughter’s friends. 
The incident occurred on Monday at about 4pm next to Boyane Primary School where the minor was doing Grade VII.

Boyane is situated in the northwest of Manzini city centre, about 17km from the city.  
According to the minor’s father, George Ngwenya, his daughter was traveling with a group of friends after school on the day she ended her life.
He narrated that while travelling with her friends, just when they were outside the school premises, his daughter asked her schoolmates to excuse her after requesting to have a brief private moment, at a nearby bush where she wanted to relieve herself, the same bush where she ended her life.

Her schoolmates were reported to have walked at a slow pace so that their friend could catch up with them after she had supposedly concluded her business. 
The deceased’s schoolmates were said to have suspected that something wrong might have happened to their friend after she took too long to come out of the bush.
It was then that they decided to go back to check on her and upon arrival at the bush, they found her hanging from a tree.


The deceased’s friends were reported to have screamed for help and a certain man identified as Ciniso Dlamini attended to them but it is believed that Sihle had already passed on.
Dlamini is said to have untied the minor and swiftly contacted her father, who reported to the scene promptly. The father later called the police, who came and recorded a statement before taking the minor’s body to the mortuary.
According to Ngwenya, when he arrived at the scene he found that his daughter had already passed on.

He also mentioned that he found some bruises on the left side of her neck, possibly caused by the rope she used to hang herself.
However, he highlighted that what puzzled him was the fact that the tree where the minor hanged herself was almost as tall as her.

“The way my daughter died is still questionable because the tree she used to hang herself is almost as tall as her,” he said.
However, he highlighted that he had a slight understanding after the police gave him a logical explanation on how his daughter could have ended her life using the tree in spite of its stature.


He said the reasoning from the police was to the effect that the minor could have climbed on a nearby rock that was adjacent to the tree and then tied the rope to the tree before tying it around her neck. On another note, Ngwenya said he suspected that witchcraft might have played a major role in the demise of his daughter. This he said was because his daughter was brilliant at school and as a result, he suspected that someone who was jealous of her gift might have bewitched her to end her own life.
“I suspect that my daughter was bewitched. Even though it is hard to substantiate witchcraft, the least you can do is to point figures at those whom you suspect, but I believe someone bewitched my daughter,” he said.

Magagula cited that there would be a memorial to celebrate Sihle’s life at Boyane Evangelical Church at 2pm on Saturday.
After the memorial, there will be a vigil at the minor’s parental home at Boyane, the same place where she will be laid to rest on Sunday at 9am.

Professor Nonhlanhla Sukati, giving her comment as a Psychologist, said what contributed to young people to commit suicide was the environment in which they grew up.
She said when they did not get love from the people around them, they normally felt worthless especially when dumped by the only people they thought loved them.

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