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 MBABANE – Yet another woman has come out to claim that her uterus was removed carelessly at the Mbabane Government Hospital.

A uterus is the organ in the lower body of a woman or female mammal where offspring is conceived and in which they gestate before birth. The woman claims that her womb was removed without any explanation being given to her. She alleged that this happened at the Mbabane Government Hospital on January 5 this year.

“The nurses told me that I had excess water in my womb during pregnancy and it not good for the baby. They then took a small pair of scissors and punched it into the womb so that the water could come out,” the woman alleged.

However, she stated that she bled instead. The woman elaborated that upon seeing that she had started to bleed profusely, the nurses then took her to the delivery room and induced her. She stated that during this process, she was worried that the nurses would injure her baby’s head but fortunately, they did not. She said although she was anaesthetised, she expressed her worry to the nurse because he kept on punching her with the pair of scissors. Nonetheless, she alleged that the nurse went on until she finally felt pain.

Moreover, the woman highlighted that she had only dilated by two centimetres when all this was done and she was far from delivering. However, she alleged that the nurses took her to an emergency C-Section room at midnight.
“I am aware that C-Section is not usually done at this time of the night. Moreover, I had eaten but they went on to perform the C-Section,” she alleged.  


 She added that it was then that she then delivered a baby girl. The woman alleged that the nurses stitched her after the delivery. However, she alleged that two weeks later, she discovered that she was bleeding and it was abnormal. She narrated that she went back to the Mbabane Government Hospital where she explained that her bleeding was excessive. She claimed that she was informed by the nurses that there was an anomaly as her womb had turned white all over.

She alleged that she was informed that they had to take out her uterus because it was ‘worn out’.  She highlighted that the implications which she suffered was that she no longer had her monthly menstrual periods. The woman added that at times, she felt excessive pain where she was stitched.  
Meanwhile, Director of Health Dr Vusi Magagula said the procedure which was normally done before a woman’s womb was removed involved issuing out a consent form which was required to be signed by the patient.

He said sometimes this procedure was done without being planned as a developing condition may compel it to be carried out.
He added that the hospital also provided counseling to the woman whose womb may have to be removed.  He said patients should present their cases to the hospital so that they could be heard and assisted accordingly.  Two other women recently filed lawsuits against government, claiming that doctors allegedly removed their wombs without their consent.

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