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MANZINI – Popular traditional healer Elliot ‘Black Cat’ Fakudze has given visiting traditional healer from the Democratic Republic of Congo DRC, Guensta Ikartachi, a green card.

The two met at Mndobandoba at Fakudze’s homestead on Saturday morning.
This was after Fakudze developed an interest to meet Ikartachi after seeing his articles published by this newspaper.
Fakudze revealed that the spells and magic competition for traditional healers and witch-doctors was a good initiative and further offered to be an emissary for Ikartachi.


Fakudze will introduce the DRC traditional healer to the local Traditional Healers Association, an organisation which would then assist Ikartachi to properly host the competition.

“After all the social media buzz and a lot of people assuming I was hosting the competition to steal other traditional healers’ powers, I saw it fit to go through the right channels and go about the whole project officially. Through the assistance of Fakudze, who will introduce me to the local Traditional Healers’ Association president, I see the whole competition moving in earnest,” Ikartachi said   

Meanwhile, Fakudze revealed that he had thoroughly checked Ikartachi using his powers and discovered he was a genuine traditional healer with good intentions, how had come to the country with good intentions.

Fakudze, who further revealed that he would also take part in the competition cracked jokes, shook hands and further hugged Ikartachi before he left his home.
This was after the two had also exchanged numbers for future communication.


Ikartachi said members of the public would watch the contest for free.
“Those who need magical (herbal and spiritual) assistance to change their current situation, ranging from rare illnesses to disabilities, will also be attended  to for free,” the DRC traditional doctor said.

In fact, he said another purpose of the door-to-door visits to traditional healers and witch-doctors across the country, was to discuss such issues.
He said it would be during the visits where he would explain his ideas to them and in turn they would also make suggestions on how it could be win-win for all.
Ikartachi said making money was not his goal but to use his talent and powers to help people.

He said that was why his plan was to host the competition for local traditional healers for free and in turn help emaSwati. 
Ikartachi added that apart from his own country, he had hosted similar competitions in countries like Cameroon, Gabon and Kenya among others.

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