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MANZINI- What a chicken mess! Liqhaga Flats tenants are up in arms over an Asian businessman who is also a tenant who keeps indigenous chickens (tinkhukhu tasemakhaya) within the premises.

The tenants decried that the chickens made a lot of noise, particularly at night as they crow, making it difficult for them to sleep.
They also said the chickens scratched their cars and left droppings on their door stoops.

According to one of the tenants, who expressed his grievance on condition of anonymity, the chickens have made their lives a living hell.
This, he said, was because they (tenants) barely slept at night due to the incessant clucks made by the chickens, even during the crack of dawn.


The tenant said the chickens were a nusiance for them, as they roamed around the compound causing havoc on their valuable items which include, among other things, their clothes.
He said the chickens would toss and turn their clothes if they (tenants) had not closed the doors to their flats.

He also highlighted that the chickens would from time to time make their place of abode filthy as they spilled waste bins all over the compound when rummaging for food.   
The tenants have asserted that the chickens have been kept at the residential zone for a period of two months now.
The owner of the chickens, Kweser Abu, when reached for comment, mentioned that he brought the chickens from a certain man who sold them in bulk with an intention to rear them.

“I have reared the chickens from the time they were chicks until now that they are fully grown,” he said.
He said the reason he opted to keep the chickens at the residential zone was basically because he ran a restaurant situated in the same compound. Abu claimed that he decided to keep the chickens because he wanted them to eliminate cockroaches within his restaurant. This, he claimed,  he achieved through locking the chickens in his restaurant at night and in turn, the chickens would then consume the cockroaches.

The soft spoken Asian businessman said he was reluctant to use insecticides within his restaurant because he was dealing with food items which could be contaminated by the insecticides. Abu claimed that ever since he ‘deployed’ the chickens in his restaurant, the rate of cockroaches had decreased tremendously.

“My chickens have completely eliminated cockroaches in my restaurant,” he said. When asked if he was aware that he might be in violation of a regulation that prohibits one from keeping chickens, particularly in the CBD, he said he was not privy to such and he promised that he would get rid of them within a space of a week from now if it were so.
“I was not cognisant of any regulation prohibiting me from keeping chickens within the city. However, I vow to get rid of the chickens in a space of a week from now,” he said.

Public Relations Officer of the Municipality Council of Manzini, Mathokoza Thwala said the keeping of chickens within the urban area was regulated by the Urban Government Act of 1969 together with other relevant regulations.
Thwala said in a nutshell, no one was allowed to keep chickens in the city without the council’s permission.


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