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MANZINI - Minister of Education and Training Lady Mabuza is said to have come to the rescue of an elderly woman who was raped by a 20-year-old man.

The survivor, *Mary (70), cried hysterically as she narrated how she had to seek shelter at the minister’s homestead after fears that her rapist, Muzi Thabiso Dlamini of Mafutseni, would end her life. The accused was on Saturday sentenced to 24 years imprisonment without an option of a fine by Principal Magistrate David Khumalo. Mary now uses walking sticks as the rape incident affected her pelvic bones, which were dislocated. She told the court that it was on October 13, 2019, when she was attacked by Dlamini after she had just crossed a river.
The accused pleaded guilty to the offences of rape, robbery and assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. The visibly traumatised complainant told the court that she did not know the accused until the day of the incident.


She said it was 3pm, on the day, when she noticed that someone was following her.  Mary said when she looked back, the accused walked past her and blocked her way. “He grabbed me by my neck and assaulted me with fists in the face and I lost some of my teeth in the process. My eyeglasses also got damaged, the accused demanded money and I told him that I did not have any. “He then drew a knife; I fell as he searched my pockets. He stole my cellphone and placed the knife on my neck and threatened to stab and kill me if I resisted,” Mary said.
She revealed that after the accused had placed the knife on her neck, he forcefully removed her clothing and raped her until she bled. 


The complainant said after the rape incident, the accused dressed up and left her crying hysterically. Mary said she reported the rape ordeal at a nearby homestead where she was taken to the Raleigh Fitkin Memorial (RFM) Hospital. “I am now unable to walk as my joints are dislocated. I got so traumatised after the incident, to a point where I sought shelter at the minister’s home I was scared that he would rape me again or kill me as the police had not arrested him. “I was taken by the minister’s husband to hospital where I was treated and examined. After some weeks, I was informed by the police that they had arrested the accused. He was also positively identified at the police station,” Mary said.



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Should the administration of scholarships be moved from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security to the Ministry of Education and Training?