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MANZINI - While many people had a peaceful crossover to 2020, the same could not be said about six residents of Luve.

This, because one of them succumbed to injuries he sustained while the other five are fighting for their lives in hospital after being involved in a nasty car crash.
The accident occurred at Luve on New Year’s Eve at around midnight.

Information gathered was that four of the survivors of the accident are siblings, another is a close relative to the four siblings, while the deceased was a resident of the area.   
Narrating the sequence of events, one of the survivors, Banele Zubuko, stated he, together with his siblings, and one of their close relatives,


Sihle Maseko, who later passed on after the accident, were embarking on a journey to their parental home at Nyakeni on New Year’s eve at around midnight when they received a tip-off that one of their own, Ndumiso Zubuko (his brother) was involved in a quarrel with a notorious gang from Luve.

He said as soon as they were privy to such information, they made a U-turn and drove back to where the quarrel was unfolding in a bid to rescue his brother.
He said upon arrival at the scene, they discovered that indeed his brother was being attacked by a mob right in the middle of the road joining Luve and Mafutseni and they parked the car which they were driving in, a Honda Fit sedan on the side of the road and intervened in the squabble with an intention to reason with the mob to pardon his brother. “However, we got more than we had bargained for as the mob was unyielding to our request to let go of my brother and began to attack us as well,” he said.

According to Zubuko, after realising that the mob was baying for their blood, they had no other alternative but to run for dear life with an aim to seek refuge in the Honda Fit sedan they had parked nearby.

He said while they were running, he stumbled and fell and one of the attackers took advantage of this and stabbed him with a sharp object in the face.
His siblings managed to escape into the car but after realising that he was not with them, they went back to search for him and were victorious in their quest as they successfully rescued him and they all managed to board the motor vehicle.

Zubuko said as soon as they had boarded the motor vehicle, the driver of the car drove off at a very high speed in an attempt to elude the attackers. 
He said given that the attackers were hot on their heels, one of the attackers, a female, whose identity could not be immediately ascertained, was accidentally knocked down by the car as they attempted to speed off.

Due to the impact, the driver lost control of the vehicle and it overturned soon after knocking down the female attacker.
He said the female attacker who was knocked down by the car sustained major injuries and was later rushed to hospital where she is currently recuperating. 
“I cannot precisely recall what happened thereafter as I lost consciousness. When I regained consciousness, I was already admitted to the hospital, however, I was later informed by my sisters who came to pay me a visit in the hospital that my siblings sustained major injuries during the accident while Maseko passed away,” he said.

It is believed Maseko was ejected from the vehicle and died on impact.
When asked what the bone of contention was between his brother and the mob, he disclosed that he was not privy to such details.
Deputy Police Information and Communications Officer Inspector Nosipho Mguni confirmed the incident.   

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