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image Republic of China (Taiwan) military officers standing next to one of the two UH-1H Huey helicopters which were presented as a gift to His Majesty King Mswati III by the Republic of China (Taiwan) Government’s Ministry of Defence yesterday.

LOZITHA - His Majesty King Mswati has revealed the Ministry of Defence’s programme of establishing a strong army.

This took place yesterday at Mandvulo Hall, Lozitha when the King received two top of the range UH-1H Huey helicopters from the Republic of China (Taiwan) Government, through the Taiwanese Ministry of Defence.

After receiving the helicopters, which are similar to those which were used by the United States of America (USA) in Vietnam, the King said it was encouraging to be presented with the aircraft as they would assist the Ministry of Defence where it had limitations.

He said the ministry was aiming to have an army that would be useful in the country, region and the world at large.
“This support will strengthen the programme that the Ministry of Defence has embarked on,” the King said.


He added that he was aware that the presentation of the helicopters was one of the numerous means of assistance which the country, especially the Ministry of Defence, was getting from its counterpart from the Republic of China (Taiwan).

He then mentioned that a number of soldiers from Eswatini have received training from the Republic of China (Taiwan) and that the Taiwanese Ministry of Defence had sent its military personnel to the country to share their experience with their equals.

On that note, Umbutfo Eswatini Defence Force (UEDF) Commander Jeffery Tshabalala said the gift was cementing the existing relationship between the two countries.
He said he was pleased to receive helicopters of this magnitude, as they were seen being used by the USA in Vietnam.
He said the relationship between the two countries, especially the defence ministries, started a long time ago as the UEDF trained their infantry and now they were training their Air Wing personnel.

“We are soon going to upgrade the Air Wing into an air force and the Ministry of Defence in the Republic of China (Taiwan) will assist us in training our personnel,” the army commander said.

The King said he had been told that the helicopters’ functions were not the same as the ones which the country already had.
On that note, he said the helicopters, which had special functions and capabilities, which included flying for a long time, would help during the occurrence of disasters within and outside the country and in rescue missions.

“We will now be able to offer more valuable assistance to neighbouring States during disasters and whenever there is a need for humanitarian work,” the King said.
Again, the King said even during times of emergency, like accidents where there could be a need of an airlift, the helicopters would be utilised.  
It was also revealed that despite the fact that the helicopters will be under the custody of the UEDF, the Royal Eswatini Police Service (REPS) will be able to use them in their operations if the need arises.

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