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MBABANE – “I love him so much.” These are the exact words of the bride-to-be for Mbabane Alliance Church leader Reverend Johannes Mazibuko.
Thulile Dlamini declared her undying love for the reverend in an interview with this reporter yesterday.

Dlamini was officially introduced at the church as the new companion for the reverend during Sunday’s service.
Dlamini said; “I love him so much and can assure you that the relationship was never before the demise of Pastor Rose.”  

Pastor Rose was the wife to Reverend Mazibuko, who passed away in July following a long battle with cancer, as confirmed by the reverend.
Dlamini had been asked to comment regarding her soon-to-be status as the first lady of Mbabane Alliance Church and how she was taking all the attention that was making rounds, especially on social media.
She said she was very excited and happy to serve in the church alongside her husband-to-be as her mentor and spiritual father.


According to Dlamini, she is a born again Christian and God-fearing woman dedicated to serve God and the church and believes that He would carry her through. However, she made it clear that she would not try to be Pastor Rose and fit her big boots, but would be herself and serve with the gift that God had given to her.
Dlamini said she joined the Alliance Church in 2010 and became a full member after certification in 2011. She stated that she served along with the late pastor’s wife in the ministry of protocol, participating also in other Mazibuko family activities when requested to do so.

On the assumption that her relationship with Reverend Mazibuko started while his late wife was still alive, Dlamini said people always had opinions about certain things and it was their right to do so. However, she stated that as a Christian who was deeply rooted in the teachings of Christ, she was not shaken by the criticism and negative talk.
She said the disapproval by the public shall come to pass.

Meanwhile, Dlamini said there was no law or timetable that stated when one should remarry after the passing on of his or her partner, but what they were concerned about was the will of God and the cleanliness of the gospel and respect for each other.

Reverend Mazibuko, in an interview conducted on Sunday at his home at Mpolonjeni, said he had been with his now deceased wife for over a year while she was sick, supporting her as the illness she was suffering from caused her so much pain. “I last had a wife when she started falling sick, which means I had no companionship all along,” said Mazibuko. He said his wife was sick and going through so much pain and he was nursing her.

The reverend said his wife’s death did not come as a shock but they saw it coming from the different stages she passed through. “We cried, mourned while she was still alive and now (that she is gone) what can hold me back?” he questioned. Mazibuko said he knew his bride-to-be very well as he had taken time to familiarise himself with her, although at times a person could not be perfect. He said her bride-to-be was someone who loved the Lord, stating that he noted such before his wife fell sick.

He said biblically, he understood that when a person died, he or she could not be remembered, which was stated in the book of Ecclesiastes 9 verse 3-5. He said this did not mean he did not care but the truth was that when a person had passed away, they would not wake up, “even when you mourn for 12 or 20 years.”


 Mazibuko said what was important was to respect, love and take good care of that person during their lifetime ‘but when they die, it is finished’. He said people should understand that according to biblical teachings, it emphasised that married couples should be separated in death, which was what happened with him. The man of God said re-marrying was not about sex but companionship, adding that he knew the pleasure of having a companion and needed one going forward. Mazibuko said assisting was broad and for him, he needed to share issues with his partner who would comfort him when they were having a bad day.

“In the book of 1st Corinthians 7 verse 39 and Romans 7 verse 1-6, Apostle Paul addresses the issue that if one is married to someone, they are tied to them until death separates them. When they decide to re-marry, they are free to marry anyone on condition that they are born again,” the reverend shared.

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