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MANZINI - Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, which has crippled the economy and affected many businesses, Cargo Carriers Swaziland employees smiled all the way to the bank when they were paid for September 2020.

This is because the workers received a bumper pay as per a collective bargaining agreement which was signed by the company and the Swaziland Transport Communication and Allied Workers Union (SWATCAWU).

The collective bargaining agreement was concluded and signed on September 9, 2020 and awarded the employees a five per cent pay rise. 


On top of that, according to the employees, they were also entitled to a seven per cent increase in all corresponding allowances. 

The collective agreement provided that the increments were effective from April 1, 2020, which meant that the workers got backpay of six months.

SWATCAWU Acting Secretary General Sticks Nkambule confirmed the latest developments. 

He said they concluded the talks on September 9, 2020 and the collective bargaining agreement was effective from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021.

The acting secretary general added that on top of the five per cent pay rise and seven per cent increase on all corresponding allowances, the one-year settlement further made a provision for a job grading exercise, which endeavoured to put in place an equitable pay structure in the company.

He said as a trade union, they appreciated the settlement in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, which invariably brought into being a global economic meltdown. 

On the same note, Cargo Carriers Swaziland General Manager Nico Gerber also confirmed the collective bargaining agreement. 

He said since they were in the agricultural sector, the COVID-19 pandemic did not affect them much.

He added that as a company, they always made sure that they looked after their employees because they could not do without them.


It is worth noting that last financial year; the company also awarded its workers a five per cent pay rise. 

Cargo Carriers Swaziland is one of the oldest multinational road freight companies, which had been operating on Eswatini roads for over half a century now. On the other hand, SWATCAWU, which was known as the Swaziland Transport and Allied Workers Union (STAWU) before 2017, is the oldest trade union in the transport industry, having been established in 1983. 

Its name changed to SWATCAWU, pursuant to an amalgamation that took place in 2017.

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