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MAFUTSENI – Once again, Judge Sipho Nkosi’s home has been visited by police officers and this time around, they seized three firearms, which are allegedly unlicensed.

This incident took place at the judge’s home at Mafutseni in the Manzini Region yesterday morning. According to an impeccable source, a group of over eight police officers, who were armed with a warrant that permitted them to search and seize guns which were allegedly unlicensed from the judge’s residence, arrived at his home at around 7am. The search and seizure warrant, which had a stamp from the Manzini Principal Magistrate, David Khumalo, said Section 46 of Act 67 of 1938 as amended, all police officers, where as it appear to the court from information on oath that with Magistrate District of Manzini, there are articles enumerated in schedule annexure A (guns) in which were in the possession or under the control or at upon the person of Sipho Nkosi of Mphandze.

It said the premises were in the Manzini Region, where he was believed to be residing. “This is, therefore, in His Majesty the King’s name to authorise to search during daytime the identified person of Sipho Nkosi and/or enter the identified premises to search any person found on or at such premises and to direct you to seize the said items in annexure A (guns),” reads part of the search and seizure warrant. Furthermore, the warrant said if found and to deal with according to the law, bring it before court to be dealt with according to the law.


Upon their arrival, the source alleged that they found a security guard and they introduced themselves as law enforcers who had come to see the judge. Thereafter, the source alleged that the security guard informed Nkosi and he came to meet them at the gate, where they spent some time chatting. Afterwards, the source alleged that the law enforcers, who were wearing plain clothes, went with the judge to his house, where they conducted a search, which lasted for a while. “During the search, they seized three firearms; two pistols and a pump action,” the source alleged.  The source alleged that after satisfying themselves that they had searched the whole house, the law enforcers left. However, the firearms in question are not associated with any offence.

This publication visited the judge’s home at around 9:33am and found that the police had already left. Two security guards and their superior were found at the gate. After introducing themselves to the security guards, the team from this publication asked to see the judge and was told that he would come as their superior had also come to see him.

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