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LOZITHA – “Eswatini is a democratic country.”

This was pronounced by His Majesty King Mswati III yesterday. The King said he had conducted some research on democracy and one thing he was clear about was that democracy could not be achieved by burning people. He said people liked to speak about democracy and accountability. “The good thing is I also engage with other leaders who are said to come from democratic structures and I have asked them what democracy means,” he said.


The King said the common answer which he received was that they always informed him that democracy was when you enjoyed the support of the people or majority rule. He said there were some key elements of democracy and it did not speak of lies and trickery, but only the support of the people. He said if a person had an idea or opinion, they must express it through dialogue. “If a majority of people support you, there is no need to burn fires or people,” he said. He said if you enjoyed the support of the majority you do not need to fight. The King said for those who loved democracy, including its teachers who said the country did not love democracy, it was actually quite the opposite. “We love democracy and we are democratic in this country,” he said. The King said all that was done in the country was within the democratic structures. He said they had never burned a person, but instead they went to the people and engaged them. He said the country had a Constitution because the nation was engaged and that there were structures in it (Constitution) which were to be followed. “It was the support of the people and not the support of fires,” he stated.


He said even the teachers of democracy must teach the democracy, and instead of starting fires, they must sit down. He said those who started fires were clearly those going to hell because the devil lived in fire. He encouraged dialogue and not starting fires.
“They say they have views and I wonder if in those views there is anything which speaks of starting fires. Then they say the country is not democratic,” His Majesty said. He said relevant structures must be followed. “Let us speak the truth about democracy,” he said. His Majesty said it was further surprising that some of the people who spoke were those who carried Bibles yet spoke lies. “Why don’t they leave the Bible and carry on with their lies,” he said.  He said the ancestors had left the country with peace and encouraged dialogue instead of violence. “Abazange batsatsa tinkhuni bashise bantfu,” he said.

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