MBABANE - According to Mangololo Eswatini Spokesperson Gcina Dlamini, what the September 6 Movement was advocating for would not yield positive results.
This, he said, was because the Tinkhundla System and the way the prime minister was currently being appointed was working perfectly for the country, such that other countries were now using an almost similar approach. He claimed in the local municipal elections in South Africa, individuals were elected based on their individuality and capabilities and not necessarily their political party affiliations. “EmaSwati need to realise that other systems are not working as well, because it is evident that South Africans are tired of the multiparty system,” alleged Dlamini. Furthermore, the spokesperson said the appropriate structures should be used to amend the Constitution and entities should stop taking their concerns to the streets but instead use the parliamentary route.
The Attorney General, Sifiso Khumalo, was reached for comment concerning the rise in entities which register as non-governmental organisations but then further objectives with underlying political agendas, and he said; “I’m assuming by NGOs you mean the associations that are registered in terms of the Company’s Act, not for gain - those will be expected to operate within the framework of their memorandum of association in line with the Company’s Act, which unfortunately does not provide for political parties,” said Khumalo. He further referred this reporter to the Registrar of Companies, Msebe Malinga, to ascertain whether entities which had registered as non-governmental organisations were within their scope of objectives by then pursuing political issues and getting involved in politics.
“When most of these organisations register, they register just to promote their objectives, which are aligned with education, sciences, arts and culture, flora and wildlife in Eswatini. However, it is evident that some organisations are now pursuing politically inclined objectives yet this was not the case when they initially registered,” said Malinga. He mentioned that some registered organisations were now engaging in activities they were not registered for and those that were outside of their scope.
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