LOBAMBA – Lubombo MP Lorraine Nxumalo wants the Ministry of Home Affairs to allow for the registration of minority organisations such as LGBTQIs, so that they can operate freely without discrimination.
LGBTQIs is an acronym for lesbians, gays, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex. MP Nxumalo put it before the august House that the minister’s report stated that there would be monitoring of steps by the ministry to promulgate into legislation efforts that would make non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to be governed.
She highlighted a concern that in the SADC Region, there were some countries that used this law to shut down civil societies, whose job was to hold government accountable. “What assurance can the minister give, that this law has not come to drag and trample on the rights of civil society and to prevent it from working freely without prejudice? On that note, there are minority organisations in the country that are struggling to register. Can this law assist them to operate?” she queried.
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