MATSAPHA – Just after being collected from mechanics, a Mazda 3 sedan burst into flames near New Village, along the Nhlangano – Manzini Public Road.
According to a senior officer from the Eswatini National Fire and Emergency Services (ENFES), David Dlamini, the vehicle caught fire while being driven by the owner. He said they had been informed that the owner noted smoke coming from underneath it and upon investigation, he saw a spark which resulted in the car burning. “The report we have received is that the vehicle was from a garage where it was being attended to for certain mechanical faults. While it was being test-driven, the owner says there was a spark next to the fuel tank which resulted in the fire,” Dlamini said.
It was established that the motorist was alone in the vehicle when it was walloped by the fire. Witnesses said their efforts to extinguish the fire fell through as the blaze was extreme. They claimed that they tried to pour water sourced from a car wash which was in close proximity to where the automobile burnt. The vehicle had remnants of burnt metal as any other material that was consumed by fire. The incident was said to have happened at about 11am and when this publication’s reporters arrived at the scene, ENFES personnel had extinguished the fire, which had also scorched the vegetation next to the public road.
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