MANZINI – Former Siphofaneni constituency Member of Parliament (MP) Mduduzi ‘Gawuzela’ Simelane will enjoy some perks for parliamentarians.
This is subsequent of his spouse, Nomalungelo ‘LaZwide’ Simelane, being elected to replace the erstwhile legislator. Her husband, who just like her is a renowned Gospel artist, was removed in Parliament in November 2021. This followed the absence of the MP for 20 consecutive Parliament sittings and it resulted in Parliament invoking Section 98(1)(c) of the Constitution and declaring vacant the seat occupied by Simelane as a legislator from Siphofaneni Constituency. The section which was invoked by Parliament reads: “The seat of a senator or of a member of the House shall become vacant where the holder is absent from 20 sittings of the chamber during any meeting of that chamber without the permission in writing of the presiding officer and is unable to offer a reasonable explanation to the Parliamentary Committee on Privileges.”
Subsequent to this, by-elections were hosted by the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC), resulting in LaZwide being an MP-elect. For approximately the next 12 months, in the position that LaZwide has assumed, her spouse (Simelane) shall be covered through the medical aid extended to parliamentarians and their families. The tenure of the MP elect is approximated at 12 months given that for the 10th Parliament, His Majesty King Mswati III dissolved it on June 20, 2018. Also, the ninth Parliament was dissolved on August 2, 2013.
According to Finance Circular No.2 of 2013, which is the instrument that legislators are remunerated with, LaZwide shall be afforded medical aid through an approved service provider.
She will get full medical cover for herself, spouse and dependants while in office.
The instrument further states that after upon exiting office, the medical aid cover will cease to exist for her, spouse or dependants. Also, LaZwide will be insured as part of the pension fund against accidents and death in terms of a contract concluded by government with an insurance company. The insurance benefits include a group life insurance of two times the annual salary in the event of death of a member while in office; disability cover for a member while in office and funeral assistance of E20 000 for member, spouse and children while the member is still in office and E20 000 for the member thereafter.
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