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MANZINI – Employees in 15 regulated sectors will get an average increment of 7.96 per cent.

This was announced by the Acting Minister of Labour and Social Security, Phila Buthelezi yesterday, through a press release. Buthelezi said to date, a total of 15 out of 18 wages negotiations had been finalised. The minister said the remaining three were; the Textile and Apparel Industry, Media Industry and Domestic Employees Industry, for which negotiations were still ongoing.


He said: “The percentage range of negotiated increases is from four per cent to 15.6 per cent. The average increment across the 15 regulated sectors is 7.96 per cent.” The minister said the negotiated settlements considered several factors, inclusive of the last implementation of an increase in that particular sector, as well as projected economic factors to affect the sector either positively or negatively. He notified stakeholders, social partners and the general public on the publication of review of wages and other terms and conditions of service of sector specific workers in terms of Section 6(1) of the Wages Act, No. 16 of 1964.

The minister said the conditions of employment, and minimum wages were products of negotiations between employers and workers in the respective sectors.  Unlike the previous schedule released on May 25, 2021, where the highest paid sector was the forestry and forest industry, which amassed an increment of 12 per cent, this time around the highest percentage of 74 was awarded to the pre-schools and day-care centres industry.  While last year the second highest sector was the mining and quarry, which was awarded 11 per cent, this year it was the, road transportation industry, which received 15.6 per cent across the board. The third highest increment was awarded to the manufacturing and processing industry where employees in category one will get 15 per cent, while those in the second and third category will get six and one per cent, respectively.


Funeral undertakers and the building and construction will both get an increment of 10 per cent while the mining and quarrying industry workers will have their salaries hiked by 8.75 per cent. Those in the forestry and forest industry will get 8.5 per cent just like workers in the agricultural sector. Workers in the manufacture and sale of handicraft will across the board get eight per cent while those working in the retail, hairdressing, wholesale and distributive trades industry will be offered seven per cent.

Meanwhile, unlike last year, support employees in schools and educational institutions, who were awarded 10 per cent increment, will this year receive 6.5 per cent across the board and only three per cent for those above the minimum wage. Employees of the motor engineering sector and micro lenders will get five per cent across the board.  On the other hand, workers in the security services industry will get 4.5 per cent across the board. Meanwhile, employees of the hotel, accommodation, catering and fast foods industry under group A will get E1 800 while under group B, they will get E1 500 and in group C it will be brought up to E1 300.

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Should the administration of scholarships be moved from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security to the Ministry of Education and Training?