MANZINI – Preschool and day-care centre teachers in urban areas have been granted E147.57 increment, as they will now earn E2 255.70.
These employees had up until the publication of Legal Notice No. 246 of 2022, been earning E2 108.13. This is after the employees were granted 7.4 per cent. The increment for this sector is partitioned into two with those in urban areas receiving better pay while those in the rural areas earning a lower amount. Teachers in urban areas will be paid E2 255.70, while their counterparts in rural areas would be paid E1 879.74. On the other hand, a clerk in an urban area will be paid E1 967.73 while that of a rural pre-school will get E1 754.55. An assistant teacher in an urban area will be paid E1 954.97 while for those outside urban areas shall be paid E1 629.20. A maintenance employee in urban areas will be remunerated E1 804.63 while those in rural areas will get E1 503.84, which shall be equivalent to what a cleaner or labourer in an urban area is paid. A cleaner or labourer in rural areas will be paid E1 253.23.
Cooks in urban pre-schools and daycares will now earn E1 804.63 while their counterparts on the outskirts will be paid E1 503.84. The remuneration of early childhood carer in urban areas shall be E1 742.56 while those in rural areas will now be paid E1 503.84. Meanwhile, an assistant early childhood carer will be paid E1 503.84 if working in an urban area and E1 253.24for those in rural areas. The urban areas were listed as Bhunya, Big Bend, Havelock Mine, Luyengo, Matata, Malkerns, Manzini, and Mbabane, (including establishments situated along and within 5km on either side of the Mbabane / Manzini main road, stretching 20km from Mbabane).
Also, Matsapha Industrial Area, Mhlambanyatsi, Mhlume, Ngwenya, Nhlangano, Pigg’s Peak, Sidvokodvo, Simunye, Siteki, Tambankulu, Tshaneni, Vuvulane, Nsoko Shopping Complex, Ngonini Shopping Complex and Ebuhleni Shopping Complex were also listed as urban areas. Lastly, Lavumisa, Mankayane, Lomahasha Shopping Complex, Ludzeludze, Mhlaleni and Hlatikulu were also listed as urban areas.
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