MANZINI- There were a few maidens who converged at some of their chiefdoms and constituency centres in the Manzini Region for the registration of the Reed Dance Ceremony at Ludzidzini Royal Residence yesterday.
The notable few numbers were attributed to the threats aimed at sabotaging the Reed Dance Ceremony. A visit to the Zombodze Royal Kraal found an overseer, who identified himself as Dlamini. He said normally, maidens arrived at the Gogo Centre and vehicles would collect them in numbers. However, he said this year, there was no communication and he supposed that the maidens would converge at the constituency centre, as per the national radio announcement that this year maidens would be fetched there.
Nyakeni Indvuna Makhosonkhe Manyatsi said around 15 maidens came to the constituency and were joined by other elders, who made up 20 people who left for the Reed Dance Ceremony in their area. Manyatsi attributed the few numbers to the threats that were directed to Imbali. “We noted fear among the maidens who were heard expressing that they were uncertain about what would happen to them. However, we encouraged and assured them of their safety and luckily police officers arrived in the vehicles that were used to transport them and their fears were allayed,” said the indvuna. On arrival at the Mzimnene chiefdom at around 11am yesterday, this reporter found about eight maidens who had their luggage ready and waiting to depart to the Ludzidzini Royal Residence.
The maidens were in the presence of their traditional leaders bestowed with the responsibility of safeguarding them. Some officers of the law were seen at the royal kraal to ensure security. There was one bus which was parked at the royal kraal. Mzimnene Indvuna Robert Thwala said 34 maidens registered for the Reed Dance this year. He said some parents would personally send their children to the Reed Dance as they preferred to do so. Thwala mentioned that the arrival time for the maidens at the royal kraal was a tad odd this year, as they were fewer.
Meanwhile, this publication gathered that about 74 maidens registered at KaBhudla Constituency Centre. The number was confirmed by Bucopho Elliot Gamedze. However, it was noted that this was not the normal number of maidens registered in past years. Nkiliji Indvuna Gideon Shongwe said 30 maidens registered in his area. He said there was no notable fear among the maidens. Nonetheless, Shongwe mentioned that they counselled the maidens to be cautious of any suspicious people who would endanger them. He also said they wished them a safe journey and that they would return safe and sound.
The indvuna attributed the few numbers to the fear of parents releasing their children to unknown danger. He also said others could not afford to send their children to this year’s Reed Dance Ceremony as things had become expensive and others had lost their jobs. Bhekinkosi Indvuna Masomalenhle Masika said there were only a few maidens who converged at the constituency, with only less than 30. He said there were no maidens from Mdayane area. He said the maidens left the area at noon yesterday.
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