PIGG’S PEAK – It was a bloody clash yesterday between police officers and ratepayers in Pigg’s Peak, while marchers in Manzini also had an encounter with the law enforcers.
In Pigg’s Peak, it all started with a prayer but instead of getting showers of blessings, ratepayers and residents were sprayed with tear gas and one got shot, after they clashed with the police. Vusi ‘Beyoncé’ Dlamini, who was among the residents, was shot in the face above the right eye. It could not be established whether he was hit by a tear gas canister or a rubber bullet. Vusi was among the residents who had fled when police officers fired tear gas inside the hall.
The residents, led by members of the Pigg’s Peak Ratepayers Association, headed to the town council after a brief meeting at the local park. They had gone to the civic centre to request an audience with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Mzwandile Ndzinisa, or any of the officials or the mayor, regarding their petition seeking to stop the auctioning of properties of those who owed rates.
They left the park after praying and headed to the civic centre and found the doors locked. Only police officer Sergeant Busta Vilakati, who is also the Secretary of the Pigg’s Peak Ratepayers Association managed to enter the building. Despite requests to meet officials, none of them made themselves available to address the residents. After about 30 minutes, as more residents began to gather at the civic centre, police officers were called, some of whom arrived with firearms. Some of the residents retreated from the entrance but others remained and continued demanding an audience with the town council officials. Despite arriving at about 11am at the town council building, the residents lingered around for nearly two hours but no official came to address them. Meanwhile, more police officers, including the station commander, began to arrive.
At this time, some of the residents and ratepayers managed to forcefully open the door and enter the civic centre. They then headed for the hall so that they could be addressed by the CEO or the mayor. However, the police officers entered the hall and ordered them to leave within five minutes. At this time, the residents responded and said they would stay put, until they were addressed by the CEO or the mayor. While the residents were waiting, tear gas was fired and they dispersed quickly. The residents fled towards one of the exits, including Vusi. As he was running, he was shot in the face while looking back as he tried to flee with the others. He fell to the ground and laid there for about two minutes and then stood up. He was knocked out by the impact of the canister that struck him.
It was only when he stood up that he realised that he had been shot, there was blood all over his face. A police officer who was accused of the shooting was almost assaulted by the visibly angry residents but he was shielded by his colleagues. The angry residents, upon realising that Vusi had been shot, approached a group of police officers and one of the residents shouted, ‘nangu!’, meaning here he is, while pointing at the police officer. The officer moved back but he was also shielded. Some of the residents also shielded the police officer and advised against attacking him.
More tear gas was fired to disperse the residents and ratepayers who were ordered to leave the area near the civic centre.
Meanwhile, Chief Police Information and Communications Officer Superintendent Phindile Vilakati, said the police had no record of the shooting. She said this had not been reported. Meanwhile, the Pigg’s Peak Mayor, Victor Rodrigues, said he was shocked to learn that there with people waiting to speak to officials outside. He said they only realised that there were people when they heard the breaking of one of the doors. “We were in a meeting since 10am,” said the mayor. Further, he also said he did not understand what the bone of contention was. He said the issue of rates had been explained and exhausted. He also revealed that most of the people whose properties were supposed to be sold had shown up and paid, adding that only two property owners had still not paid. The mayor said the purpose of their meeting was also to determine where they went wrong by proposing to auction the properties. However, he said the conclusion was that the normal procedure was followed.
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