Home | News | NDMA AWARDED ISO 9001:2015


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MBABANE – The National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) has been awarded the ISO 9001:2015 by SGS company.

The award came after the agency embarked on a journey to implement a Quality Management System (QMS) compliant to ISO 9001:2015 standard. The purpose of implementing the standard was to strengthen business processes and operational efficiency to improve the quality of services, as well as effectively manage business.
Through consultative work that was conducted by the SGS company, which is one of the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification companies, NDMA qualified for the award. The ISO 9001:2015 is a quality management system that helps businesses and organisations to be more efficient and to improve customer satisfaction.

Yesterday, the SGS team, during a function that was held at the MVA auditorium at the MVA office park in Mbabane, officially handed over the certification. It was accepted by the Deputy Prime Minister (DPM), Themba Masuku, who was represented by the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Pholile Shakantu. The NDMA falls under the DPM’s Office.


The certification was presented by SGS Knowledge Solutions and Business Manager Dona Crockart. The manager stated that being awarded the ISO 9001:2015 certification did not mean the agency could relax because every now and then they would be monitored and the certification would be issued every four years. This means every four years the certification of compliance should be awarded. By being awarded the ISO 9001:2015 certificate, it meant that the agency was complying with the requirements of the standard.

This is not the only award that has been worn by the agency as through the Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs, during the COP27, the country was awarded Best Urban Development NDC Initiative of the Year Award, of the African NDC Investment Awards 2022. This came after a proposal was formulated to strengthen urban resilience through climate proofing green, grey and blue infrastructure in the Kingdom of Eswatini. This was in view of the fact that Eswatini’s urban areas were at risk from hydro-meteorological and climatological hazards, further accentuated by climate change.


When accepting the certification, the DPM lauded the members of the portfolio committee who were closely monitoring the NDMA operations and not afraid to speak out where they were losing the ball. He also applauded all United Nation Agencies that availed funding for the NDMA, as well as assisted them to formulate disaster risk management plans. “I am thankful to portfolio committees that were able to provide the office with guidance on various operations of NDMA,” he said.

He noted that in the recent years, the NDMA responded to Cyclone Eloise, civil unrest and COVID-19 simultaneously. Masuku said this propelled the agency to come up with a multi-sectoral approach that allows the agency to begin focusing on issues of preparedness, response and resilient building while also providing practical support to communities and all emaSwati.

This was demonstrated through the construction of houses and bridges by partnering with the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, distributing of food parcels and cash-based transfers to affected communities and people.

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