LUBULINI - A newborn baby survived after she was buried alive in a shallow grave for about 10 hours, allegedly by her mother.
This was after she had secretly given birth to her, four days before Christmas day. According to sources close to the family, the baby was heard crying by other children, who were playing next to the field, which is located next to a small forest near the home.
One of the sources disclosed to Eswatini News that they never suspected anything like this could happen as the 20-year-old mother was in Eswatini to perform an imbeleko ceremony for her firstborn son. It was gathered that the 20-year-old woman had come to her boyfriend’s home at Lubulini, in the Lubombo region to enjoy the festive season and also for the imbeleko ceremony. However, sources disclosed that her boyfriend too was not aware that she was pregnant with another child.
Credible sources said upon arrival, she requested to sle-ep in a separate hut. She allegedly told her boyfriend she would sleep at his sister’s hut so they could bond as in-laws. Last week, just four days before Christmas day, the sources said that they suspected something sinister as she spent most of the time in the toilet and claimed that she had a running stomach. “Later at night at around 11 pm, we heard her coming out of the door but we didn’t suspect anything as we didn’t know that she was pregnant. She came back to the house after an hour and immediately went to bed as if there was nothing wrong,” said one family member.
“On the following day, one of the children who were playing in one of the fields came rushing to us shouting that she heard a child’s voice crying next to the forest by the fields that belong to our homestead. “We immediately rushed to inform our father, who then instructed that we go to the field to check out if indeed a child was crying,” narrated the family member. The family member said that they searched for over an hour and they were shocked when they spotted a shallow grave where the voice of the child was coming from.
“We quickly dug the shallow grave and we found a newborn baby wrapped in a thick cloth and we quickly went with her to the house and we bathed her and then gave her food,” disclosed the family member. The family member said their father, due to his traditional beliefs, didn’t want to see the newborn and police were called immediately to establish who the mother of the baby was. “After our father had called the police, my brother’s fiancé then confessed to the family that the baby belonged to her and that the biological father of the baby was not our brother. “Our brother was not at home when all this happened as he was away visiting one of his friends at Siteki,” said the family member.
Furthermore, the family member told Eswatini News that Lubulini police came and took the newborn baby with her mother to Mahhunga hospital at Big Bend, where the child was checked by a doctor to ascertain if she had been affected or not due to the lengthy time she had spent in the shallow grave. “Police then briefly brought the 20-year-old mother in for questioning. “Our brother was called and informed of the developments while he was away. “The mother of the baby told us that she didn’t want anything to come between her and our brother and that is why she acted this way,” narrated the family member.
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