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Over 300 celebrate life of Malandela

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MALKERNS – The life of Peter ‘Malandela’ Thorne was celebrated in style when residents, family and close friends told of his good work before over 300 people yesterday.

This was during the memorial service held on the lawn at Malandelas, aimed at celebrating the life of a great man who is believed to have changed the lives of many residents in the kingdom with Malkerns and Mahlanya comprising the most beneficiaries.
‘Malandela’, as he was popularly known, was behind the establishment of the famous Malandelas establishment in Malkerns House on Fire.

Joy Ndwandwe, a local writer, heaped praises to Malandela for assisting orphans and needy families around Malkerns. Ndwandwe said the name Malandela had been written in the history books of the country for good reasons.
“His whole ambience and his way of doing things was like peeling an onion. He was a good man who one could turn to in times of need and wouldn’t be turned away,” she said. Ndwandwe also sent her condolences to the Thorne family and wished them well as they kept their father’s legacy for the future generation.

Echoing Ndwandwe’s words was Lobamba Lomdzala Indvuna Robert Hlatjwayo who left many almost in tears when he spoke about Malandela. He said death had robbed the nation of a man who was proud to be a resident of Malkerns and had earned himself a good name by assisting the needy.

He said Malandela was also actively involved in projects that included water and in most cases when they desperately needed pipes for water projects, he would come to their rescue. “There is no doubt that Malandela is proud that he did good while on earth. If each one of us here would ask ourselves what good we are doing in this world, the world would be a better place to live in,” he said.

The event characterised by speeches and sharing amazing stories of Malandela was also attended by MP Marwick Khumalo, former Minister Stella Lukhele, Attorney Gigi Reid, orphans from the area as well as Mahlanya Primary School pupils who were clad in their school uniform.
It was also spiced up with a performance by some of the orphaned children who rendered a song. Jiggs Thorne, who spoke on behalf of the family, thanked all those who attended the event and promised that they were going to live up their father’s good work. Thorne said they admired their father’s legacy and were proud to be his children.

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