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MBABANE – Registration for the local government elections has been extended to March 10, 2023.

The registration had been opened from January 16, 2023 and was due to close on February 24, 2023. The new date was revealed by Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Clifford Mamba, during the registration by Cabinet ministers, yesterday. Mamba said the Minister, Prince Simelane had approved the extension of the registration process after considering a number of factors. He said some people tended to be busy and forgot about the registration.


He said the ministry had brought closer the registration sites to make it easy for residents to register. Mamba said ministers also owned properties within the various town centres, hence the importance for them to register. This, he said, would encourage the nation to do the same in order for them to elect councillors of their choice.

 On the other hand, Elections Co-ordinator Melusi Hlanze said registration dates were extended because the voter education process was slow and some wards had not been reached. He said the wards were still interested and wanted to be taken through the process. He said the bad weather conditions also disturbed the process for the voter education as some places could not be reached. Hlanze mentioned that a case in point was the voter education which had to take place at Mahwalala in the past two weeks, but had to be cancelled due to bad weather. He said Mahwalala did not have an enclosed area.

“We are considering visiting Mahwalala but have to ensure the weather conditions are favourable,” said Hlanze.
He said some of the residents had challenges with the proof of residence and could not register, especially those in informal settlements.

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