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MANZINI – The newly-proposed pay structure for civil servants will see some of them getting a raise of over E13 000 in their monthly salary if implemented as is.

For instance, the deputy director of the Social Welfare Department is expected have his salary reviewed by not less than E13 819.94 following the salary review appeals of 2016. This follows that the grade of the deputy director in the Social Welfare Department, under the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (DPM), was reviewed from D5 to E4.
This publication’s independent calculations based on the current Establishment Circular, issued by the Ministry of Public Service, following the implementation of the three per cent across the board cost-of-living adjustment (CoLA), his/her annual salary would be from E264 632.75 per annum to E430 472.02 in the same period.


However, these independent calculations were based on the minimal scales for both grades, which assumed that any personnel in this position was on Notch 1 and would assume the new grade on the same notch as well. In so doing, this reflected that the basic salary before statutory deductions would be E35 872.67, which is a hike from E22 052.73.

This readjustment shall also benefit the coordinator of in-service training under the Teaching Service Commission (TSC) as the remuneration from this position was also reviewed similarly to that of the deputy director of the Social Welfare Department. According to the report, which is still subject to consultations between the employer and the Public Sector Unions (PSUs) of Swaziland, was issued by the Government Negotiation Team (GNT) during the last joint negotiation forum (JNF).


This sitting was a week ago and subsequent to it, the employer has had bilateral meetings with the four PSUs, which are namely: National Public Service and Allied Workers Union (NAPSAWU), Swaziland Democratic Nurses Union (SWADNU), Swaziland National Association of Government Accounts Personnel (SNAGAP) and Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT).

Meanwhile, the report reflected that the remuneration structure of the deputy director was re-graded due to the scope of work, job content and supervisory function, while that of the coordinator of in-service training under the TSC was an effort to correct the reporting relationship with heads of department (HoDs).

The pair regarding their positions forms part of 145 appeals that were tabled to government seeking that they should be corrected as the personnel in certain grades were made worse-off than their previous remuneration. In addressing this, most of the positions were re-graded to higher grades with the aforementioned pair grossing a higher amount.

nother regrading which accumulated a higher amount was the position of regional education officer (REO). There are four officers in this position and their current grade is E3, which has an annual salary of E327 152. 72. This is equivalent to E27 262.72 per month and it was regarded to F1, which has a salary of E36 754.60 per month. This tallies E441 055.27 per annum.

This regrading is expected to improve the REOs’ salary by E9 491.87 per month, which translates to E113 902.55 per annum. According to the report, the position was regraded due to its scope of work, job content and supervisory function. It is worth noting that the Minister of Finance, Neal Rijkenberg, in his budget speech, announced that E65 million was reserved for civil servants’ salary appeals. This was a E20 million decline from the previous allocation, which was announced in 2021.

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