MATSAPHA - Music and culture was the order of the day for the 2023 Standard Bank Choral Music competition.
The choral competition, which saw a number of participants and fans from the country and across the border, was held at Esibayeni Lodge in Matsapha yesterday. His Majesty’s Correctional Services (HMCS) Choir was crowned the 2023 Standard Bank Choral Music champions. They fell under the Large Category order performance; taking second place was Manzini Choir and Royal Eswatini Police Choir took the third place in this category.
His Majesty’s Correctional Services Choir took home E20 000, Manzini Choir took home E17 000 and Royal Eswatini Police Choir took home E15 000. The standard section saw Sweet Melodies Choir taking the first position and waking away with E14 500, closely followed by Florence Catholic Church Choir at second place and walked away with E12 500 and third position was taken by Varsity Melodies, who walked away with E10 500. The event was graced by the Minister of Sports, Culture and Youth Affairs, Harries ‘Madze’ Bulunga, HMCS Commissioner General Phindile Dlamini, former Deputy Prime Minister Paul Dlamini and representatives of the sponsors of both Macmillan Education and Standard Bank competition, among other delegates.
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