NDZINGENI – The right to free speech may be under threat in Ndzingeni.
A man’s attempt to engage his area’s Member of Parliament (MP) landed him on the wrong side of the authorities.
Mzamo Dlamini, who is a resident of Ndzingeni now has to face bandlancane today, allegedly for questioning his MP, Lutfo Dlamini.
According to Mzamo, trouble started last Monday when the MP was in the area for an event that was organised by four churches in the area.
Also, the MP is said to have been in the area to award winners for soccer games.
Mzamo said he was one of the residents who attended the event and that the local authorities including the area’s chief were also present. He said he then realised that since the MP was present, he should approach and ask questions about certain things he was not happy with. He said he approached the MP and asked why he was in the area to give awards. “I asked where he has been all along,” said Mzamo. He said the MP did not seem to take offence to the question because after the question, he (Lutfo) stretched out his hand as if to shake Mzamo’s hand. Mzamo said when the MP stretched his hand to shake his, he refused to greet him because he wanted him to answer first. “I did not want him to brush off my question so I refused to greet him,” said Mzamo. He said he then let go of the matter because the MP had not answered his question.
Mzamo said he was then shocked to realise that he heard that an umgijimi (chief’s runner) had been sent to summon him. He said the umgijimi did not go to his house but instead he showed up the following day with a community police member. “They told me I was wanted by the authorities and that I should go to the umphakatsi as I had been charged for committing an offence,” he said. He said he did not know at first what the problem was because he did not remember committing any offence. As he was ordered to report, Mzamo said he then went to the umphakatsi. He said upon arrival he found other members of the inner council as well as the indvuna. Mzamo said he was not told what the offence was but he was advised to come back with his parents.
“I was shocked because I did not understand why a man who is over 30 years old should be asked to return with his parents,” said Mzamo. He said he was ordered to return today. He said when asked some of the people who are close to the inner council, he was told that he had been charged for the question he asked the MP. Mzamo said he was told that the authorities were not happy with the way he talked to the MP. “They said I was harassing him so I should be punished for it,” said Mzamo.
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