NHLANGANO – The time has come for religious leaders to get their house in order and put in place guidelines that will regulate their sector.
As such, Bishop Samson Hlatjwako has announced that there will be a meeting meant for pastors to share their views as the Ministry of Home Affairs prepares to make laws that will govern the religions of the country. Speaking during the Ascension Day service at Mbangweni Royal Residence on Wednesday, Hlatjwako said they received an invitation from the ministry, wherein the three umbrella bodies would make contributions towards the regulations, together with leaders from other religions.
He stated that part of the need for the laws was because of the ever surfacing prophets and pastors as well as churches which were unregulated and posed a threat to the congregants. He said the laws governing religions would look into all the practices in this sector. “Kufuna kubukwe lokutsi labantfu bavumbuka nje bachamukaphi,” he said in vernacular. Hlatjwako said the meeting would be held after the national elections, to allow the national exercise to proceed smoothly.
He further encouraged congregants present on Wednesday and yesterday to register for the national elections if they want to have a voice in the development of the country. During the event, the bishop shared that during the Good Friday Service, there was an incident that resulted in the death of one congregant. He said they were grateful for the donations that came from different organisations and government vehicles that assisted in the burial process of the congregant. He added that money that was collected amounted to E13 000. He further shared that there was a Vilakati man who volunteered to buy a casket and paid for the funeral fees as he had a funeral parlour business.
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