NGINAMADVOLO – A Morris breed of rooster (liMorris) can be very expensive monetary wise, but around Nginamadvolo it cost a man his life.
A resident of this area situated near Ndlembeni in northern Hhohho was fatally assaulted after he was accused of stealing this sought-after breed, and it was a rooster (lichudze). This type of rooster or cock is considered very expensive and can sometimes fetch a minimum of E400. Depending on how it was bred, it could fetch several times more. For this reason, the Morris breed of cock is easy to sell as they are in high demand.
According to some of the residents, it is alleged that the deceased had first gone to a certain homestead, where upon entering the premises, one of the dogs barked at him. This resulted in one of the people who live at the homestead waking up. Upon realising that someone was awake and also outside, he is said to have fled. It is alleged that he then went to another homestead, not far from the first one, where he allegedly stole the cock. He is then said to have gone home, unaware that some of the residents were in pursuit. The residents chased after him when he was spotted by someone from the homestead he had allegedly first entered. This is said to have happened on Wednesday evening.
It is alleged that the men followed the deceased to his homestead and ordered him to come outside. When he got out of the house, he is said to have noticed a group of people who were visibly angry. According to one of the residents, the deceased used a type of log he was carrying to hit one of the men. It is alleged that he was then overpowered by the alleged mob and viciously assaulted. It is alleged that the men used various sticks to whip him and then took him to the police station, where he is alleged to have been handed over. Some of the residents said the deceased was still alive when he was handed over to the police but some said he had already died. The Chief Police Information and Communications Officer Superintendent Phindile Vilakati confirmed the incident.
Stepdad also killed in similar manner
MBABANE – A man who was married to the deceased’s mother was also killed in a similar manner, The deceased’s stepfather was also first accused of stealing items, including livestock, around Ndlembeni.
At the time the stepfather was wanted by the residents, he had been arrested. However, he was released on bail, but he did not return to the community. Instead, he went to live around Emvembili with a relative. When the residents of Nginamadvolo heard that he had been released from prison, they went to fetch him in the night and told his relatives that they were going to the police as they had questions. Instead of going to the police station, they drove straight to Ndlembeni, about 10 kilometres from Pigg’s Peak.
While there, they assaulted him using different objects. As they whipped him, they reportedly kept giving him emahewu (fermented sorghum drink) to drink as they assaulted him. Just like the deceased’s stepson, the stepfather is said to have been alive when he was handed over to the police. However, he died later.
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