PIGG’S PEAK – A group of 14 women was arrested for allegedly assaulting a man at Mbheka in northern Hhohho.
The 14 women allegedly assaulted Sibusiso Dlamini with sticks, stones and open hands several times all over the body. All the women were charged with two counts, each and appeared before Pigg’s Peak Magistrate Sydney Mlotshwa yesterday morning. According to evidence presented in court, the complainant is said to have found his daughter in a compromising position with a young man and immediately suspected that they were involved in a love relationship, yet she was a minor. Sources confided to this publication that in a fit of rage, the complainant beat up his daughter.
While still punishing her, a community member, who was passing by, is said to have seen the complainant beating up his daughter. She hurriedly went to a nearby homestead, where an event had been hosted and reported that there was a man beating up a female child. It is said that the group of women immediately left for the complainant’s home to assist the girl who was being beaten by her father. Upon arrival, the women are said to have asked Dlamini why he was beating up his daughter instead of reporting the matter to the police. The women then started assaulting the complainant.
According to the charge sheet, most of the accused persons were also young women below the age of 30. All the accused persons are of Mbheka under Chief Msukusuku. The accused persons were slapped with two charges. In the first count, they were charged with malicious injury to property in that, upon or about September 2, 2023, at or near Mbheka in the Hhohho District, ‘the accused persons either one or all of them acting jointly in furtherance of a common purpose did wrongfully, unlawfully and intentionally damage items all valued at E3 400, the property of or in the lawful possession of the complainant’. In the second count, all 14 accused persons were charged with common assault in that on the same day, they intentionally assaulted the complainant with sticks, stones and open hands several times all over the body and further insulted him.
Accused number 10 (Ntsikelelo Mhlanga), could not be present in court as her child was said to be sick and hospitalised. All 14 accused persons were released and freed to go home as the complainant was said to have approached the Director of Public Prosecutions’ (DDP) Office to withdraw all charges preffered against the accused persons. Sources informed this publication that the matter was deliberated at umphakatsi level prior to the accused’s appearance in court, where the complainant took the decision to withdraw the charges. The magistrate warned the accused persons before their release that withdrawal of the charges did not mean they were entirely off the hook and in case the court summoned them, they should make it a point to avail themselves.
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