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MBABANE – As members of the Lutsango regiment prepare for the Marula Festival this weekend, women have been warned against drinking the marula brew if they have never tasted it before.

The warning was issued by Lutsango LwakaNgwane Executive Committee, during a radio programme known as ‘Iyatfutfuka imiphakatsi’ on Tuesday. The committee was represented by Indvuna Velabahleke Masuku and Joyce Vilane. The duo warned that members of the regiment should not dare drink the marula brew if they had never tasted it before. “Uma nje ungatange sewunatse buganu, kuhle kutsi ungalokotsi ubucale lemkhosini ngoba butakujika phasi” the duo said in vernacular, loosely translated to mean: “Do not dare drink the marula brew if you have never tasted it before, as it may cause you trouble at the event.”

Even though the duo did not expand further, it is common knowledge that the marula brew has a high alcohol content compared to other alcoholic drinks. Marula brew could trigger diarrhoea in certain instances.  The committee warned its members against any conduct that could bring the image of the regiment into disrepute.  


The members of the executive committee warned its members against conducting themselves in a manner that would create the impression that the event was only about imbibing the marula brew. “The event is not only about imbibing marula brew as it comes with many business opportunities for women across the country. Women can earn a living through marula products as they can make and sell marula organic oil, marula juice and marula jam, as well as alcoholic beverages,” the duo said. The executive members shared that the women would be afforded an opportunity to showcase and sell their marula products to the thousands of emaSwati and tourists at the event.

Apart from the event, the duo stated that many companies would be bringing their services to the regiment during the three-day event. They made an example of the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC), stating that the commission would be educating the women about elections-related issues. “As emaSwati have requested during the civic voter education that the exercise should not wait for the next election, the commission will be educating Lutsango at the event,” they said. On another note, the executive  member said inasmuch as the event was open to all emaSwati, it was primarily for women.


“Women should report to their royal kraals and families before attending the event. It will not be good for women to leave their matrimonial homesteads without seeking permission from their husbands. Even if the women are left with children, it would be wise for them to talk to them before they leave,” the duo said. They added that one or two men were enough to look after the regiment as opposed to having many men coming with the regiment. The executive also warned that security personnel would be deployed to guard against anyone taking pictures without authorisation. The women were also warned against any conduct that could cause a stampede as it happened during the distribution of food and other parcels last year.

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